Opinion: Farewell, Shake
The video world has been buzzing about the unheralded demise of Apple’s Shake. Here’s a remembrance from someone who was on the Shake Train from the very beginning. More: continued here
Apple Day – Apple, iPod, iPad, iPhone, iTouch, iMac, iBook
Apple Day – Apple, iPod, iPad, iPhone, iTouch, iMac, iBook
The video world has been buzzing about the unheralded demise of Apple’s Shake. Here’s a remembrance from someone who was on the Shake Train from the very beginning. More: continued here
The upcoming release of NetNewsWire 3.2 promises a few new features, but also removes MobileMe and NewsGator sync, replacing both with sync via Google Reader. Rob Griffiths explains why he dislikes this decision, and what he plans on doing about it. More: continued here
Whether you’re looking for a subway station, trying to find your family, seeking information about a tourist attraction, or trying to play hide and seek, augmented reality applications for the iPhone will make it happen by mixing the real with the virtual. More: continued here
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Speculation has arisen that Apple has discontinued Shake, its film digital effects and digital compositing software, after the application vanished from the company’s online store. More: continued here
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Since its inception in July 2008, Apple’s App Store has had over 1.5 billion downloads and currently offers over 65,000 applications for download. While having More: continued here
Release date: Fri, 31 Jul 2009 04:21:00 GMT
Your iPhone can play games, browse the internet, watch YouTube videos and more but there are also some nifty tricks you can use to find out some neat information about your phone. More: continued here
Thanks to the Virginia Department of Education and the Professor Garfield Foundation, you — and your kids, of course — can get an Introduction to Comics on iTunes U. The 15 video episodes encourage children to draw, sculpt, and carve. In fact, Jim Davis — who created Garfield — gets the course off to a great start, showing us all how he draws his famous lasagna-loving feline.
Meryl Streep is already receiving rave reviews for her performance as Julia Child in Julie & Julia. The film, which co-stars Amy Adams as Julie Powell, is based on Powell’s memoir, Julie & Julia, and Child’s My Life in France. Written and directed by Nora Ephron (You’ve Got Mail, Sleepless in Seattle), Julie & Julia opens in theaters on Friday, August 7. Bon appétit.
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If you subscribe to MobileMe, you can now use your iPhone or iPod touch to view and share Pages documents, Keynote presentations, Microsoft Office documents, PDFs and more. To view documents, simply select them. To share them with others, just tap the share icon and choose your recipients. iDisk will send them an email with a download link. Get the free MobileMe iDisk app from the App Store.
Salesforce Mobile, RoamBi Visualizer, the eBay Profit Calculator, Invoice Makers, Day Tracker, Bid Estimates — they’re but a few of the growing number of apps now available for small business owners on the iPhone App Store, according to Riva Richmond (online.wsj.com). Says iphonebootcampnyc.com dveloper Jonathan Sarno, “For the road warrior, the iPhone is perfect.