Apple has published a whitepaper detailing how it says it is working to protect EU users and emphasizing the risks of opening up the iPhone to rival App Stores.Apple’s whitepaper details its compliance with the EUTo comply with the new Digital Markets Act (DMA) in the European Union, Apple must for the first time allow third-party app stores onto the iPhone. It has previously published a whitepaper strenuously protesting against the dangers of this side-loading, and now it’s repeating that disagreement, saying it has to comply, but is working to protect EU users.”By requiring that all apps on iPhone be distributed through a single trusted source, the App Store, we were able to accomplish our goal of protecting users more effectively than any other platform,” says Apple in its new whitepaper. “While our efforts to protect users and developers alike are never complete, iOS has never allowed a widespread consumer malware attack on users-which is exceptional for a 17-year-old, modern computing platform.” Continue Reading on AppleInsider | Discuss on our Forums
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