Summing up the whole Consumer Electronics Show in one word, explaining the sudden over-stressing about Siri privacy, and scratching our heads over just what Brazil and Indonesia want from Apple.Credit: AppleCredit: AppleIt’s the annual Consumer Electronics Show (CES) week and, perhaps disappointingly, perhaps predictably, there isn’t a huge amount to say about it other than it came, it stayed around a bit, and it’s going again until next year. Still, it’s quite an event when you can summarize all of the many releases there with just one word.Whereas, there have been very many words spoken this week about the absolute fact that we’re getting the iPhone SE 4 and next iPad any minute now — except we’re not. Wes Hilliard takes apart the rumors and shows why wishful thinking won’t get us these devices any sooner. Continue Reading on AppleInsider | Discuss on our Forums
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